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 • Fuses
     - Class CC
     - Class G
     - Class J
     - Class K5
     - Class L
     - Class RK1
     - Class RK5
     - Class T
     - Midget
   • Circuit Breakers
 • Mini Circuit Breakers
 • Fuse Holders
 • Wall Mount Enclosures
 • Free-Standing Enclosures
 • Disconnect Boxes
 • Junction Boxes
 • Climate Control
 • Panels
 • Components
 • Transformer Boxes
 • Pilot Devices
     - E-Stop
     - Selector
     - Push-Button
     - Indicator
     - Enclosures
 • Relays & Sockets
 • Signal Towers
 • Timers
 • Analog Signal Conditioners
 • Break-Out Terminal Block
 • PLC's
 • HMI - Touchscreens
 • Industrial Ethernet
 • PCS Controllers
 • Variable Frequency Drives
 • Servo Motors & Amplifiers 
 • Switch Fuses
 • Contactors
 • Enclosed Contactors
 • Motor Disconnect Switches
 • Starters
 • Industrial Control Relays
 • Rotary Switches
 • Motor Circuit Controllers
 • Pump Controllers
• Transformers
     - Buck-Boost Transformers
     - Drive Isolation Transformers
     - Industrial Control Transformers
     - Distribution Transformers
     - Medium Voltage Transformers
     - Appliance Transformer
     - AC Line Reactors
     - Non-Linear Load
Power Supplies
Harmonic Mitigation
Acrive Line Filters
Limit Switch
 • Encoders
 • Inductive Sensors
 • Flow Sensors
 • Inclinometer Sensors
 • Linear Position Sensors
 • Magnetic Field Sensor
 • Pressure Sensors
 • Temperature Sensors
 • Capacitive Sensor
 • Cordsets
 • Field Wireable Connectors
 • Splitters
 • Connectos & Receptacless
 • Accessories
 • Crmipset Tools

Featured Videos

The GOT2000 inherits all the features of the conventional series models, and introduces a more refined and advanced function set. The GOT2000 continues to offer new solutions not only by enhancing interactive features with other industrial devices, but also by providing user-friendly and comfortable operability as HMI.
Which encoder is best for your motion control application? Turck offers a range of solutions - from more cost-effective devices to rugged, non-contact versions. Choose from three product lines or let us help specify an encoder for you.
CKD actuators offer flexible response to production conditions helping improve efficiency. Introducing an electric actuator corresponding to various applications such as high speed transport, press fitting and hoisting, and a one-controller system that connects to any actuator.

Featured Products

Get in Touch

Equiptex Industrial Products
14 North Bleeker Street
Mount Vernon, NY 10550


Phone : (914) 668-4841
Fax : (914) 668-1145
E-mail: sales@equiptexip.com